
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lady Gaga recovers after collapsing in New Zealand

Lady Gaga has bounced back after collapsing on stage in New Zealand.

The hard-working queen of pop was performing her final song, Bad Romance, following a gruelling two-and-a-half hour show with 16 costume changes at the Vector Arena in Auckland, when she was overcome by the heat.

Gaga tried get her fans to clap along as she struggled to sing and dance along with her male back dancers in the first minute before dropping to sit down on the steps, fanning herself and removing her metallic head dress, crawling around to the music, and finally finishing the song lying on her back.

But tour promoter Michael Coppel insisted Gaga is "totally fine".

"It was warm at the show, she was tired and bit dehydrated by the end of a two-hour plus performance," he said. "She performed the second Auckland show the following night without an issue and will be back in full match fitness for her first Australian show."

It is claimed a hundred audience members also collapsed during the show as the venue was so hot.

But now Gaga's fans, who she calls her "little monsters", are pleading for her to take things easy and have been sending messages on Twitter such as: "Please rest, Gaga."

In January the singer was forced to cancel her concert at Purdue University in Indiana after she collapsed in her dressing room just before it started.

At the time she tweeted: "Can't apologise enough for how sorry I am. I could hear my fans cheering from my dressing room, I begged everyone to let me go onstage."