
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kelly Clarkson's fifth album details; new single by the end of the year

When will the album come out? “Probably not till the beginning of the year but my single will come out before that. It takes too long. I’m bored & ready 2 tour”

Kelly just finished a song for the album, “Just finished up w/Jason Halbert in the studio. It’s one of my favorites and it’s called “You Still Won’t Know What it’s Like”.

The album is coming along fine, “We’ve almost completed the album. We’re gonna have way too many songs to pick from ….and that part sucks.

Her fav song, “…my favorite song off of the new album is “You Love Me”

A duet people! “There is definitely one song that could have been on My December and it’s also a duet ….and I’m not saying who yet” (Kelly confirmed it’s not Carrie Underwood!)

TWO duets (let the speculation begin!) “There are actually 2 duets on the new record & I have at some point sang w/both of these artists before but not on record.”

SOURCE: Mj's Big Blog