
Saturday, April 2, 2011


Earlier this week hackers targeting Flop of the Pops hacked into our forum, blog, and twitter. The forum – with some 5,000 user accounts and thousands of posts going back to the very start of FOTP – was deleted in its entirety, as was the main twitter with its 2,000+ followers. Only the Blog and YouTube accounts were spared. A police investigation is ongoing and the URL is in the process of being recovered.

The chief administrator of FOTP – the main target of the attack – has regretfully decided to step down from his role. The whole FOTP community cannot say thank you enough for all the hard work and dedication he has put into the site over these past years and express our deepest regret that something like this should happen. With his blessing, the site has been reformulated under new administration and shall continue to be the internet's very best Pop & R&B music community.

All necessary precautions have been taken to ensure that this kind of unfortunate incident never happens again.

You can find our fresh new forum at

Be sure to follow and retweet us at our new twitter accounts

@FOTPForums (general)

@FOTPBlog (blog-related)

Press inquiries via @FOTPBlog - we have discontinued usage of email accounts due to the hack.