
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beyoncé addresses fans & album leak

She may think she runs the world, but she certainly isn't running the charts. With empowerment anthem lead single "Run The World (Girls)" plummeting down the Hot 100 chart and Kelly Clarkson-ish new single "Best Thing I Never Had" debuting disappointingly at #84, Destiny's diva Beyoncé Knowles' promotional campaign for new album "4" has faced another bump in the road - arguably the biggest one yet: the whole album was leaked, three weeks ahead of release. Whilst she weathered a similar leak previously with 'Sasha Fierce', this time Beyoncé does not seem to have any "Single Ladies" type hit that would ensure healthy album sales on her horizon any time soon.

Nevertheless, Sony Music is still expected to ship 1 million album units to stores on release date June 28 - no doubt in the hope that Beyoncé will be able to sell on name alone. Furthermore, Columbia Records have stepped in for damage control, deleting tweets and links to the leaked album. 

Addressing the leak on her Facebook, Beyoncé wrote: 
‘“My music was leaked and while this is not how I wanted to present my new songs, I appreciate the positive response from my fans. When I record music I always think about my fans singing every note and dancing to every beat. I make music to make people happy and I appreciate that everyone has been so anxious to hear my new songs.”

And there you have it.