
Sunday, February 12, 2012

LIVE: Ashanti - Star Spangled Banner (@Knickers vs. Lakers game)

As she plots her return to the top of the Billboard charts, early 00's R&B sensation and  businesswoman Ashanti has been hard on her grind, making a string of public appearances and laying the groundwork for a full-on assault on mainstream media this coming year.

Back in the days when she making chart history and scoring hit after consecutive hit, Ashanti was often critizised for sub-par live vocals and became known as something of a "poor woman's Beyoncé".

Perhaps as part of a general plan to counter-attack this negative image, she took to the center of the court this past week during the Knicks vs Lakers game and sang the American national anthem "Star Spangled Banner" surprisingly well.

According to The Lava Lizard, Ashanti will be performing next at Good Morning America, as part of the Winter Series, this February 13th.  Until then, check her out below as she shows off her greatly improved vocals:

Given yesterday's tragic events, I can't help but also post Whitney Houston's now definitive take on the American national anthem. Released as a charity single after the 9/11 attacks, it was certified Platinum and became Whitney's last release to make the Top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100, charting at #6 - also making Whitney the first - and so far, last - artist to take the national anthem to the top of the charts.

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