Preparing for the actress’s early demise, media outlets reportedly have LiLo's obituary on the backburner. According to Popeater.com, media outlets have already started preparing Lindsay Lohan’s obituary so it's ready to go in case Lohan passes away soon. "News outlets need to be prepared,” a senior producer at a major news outlet told Popeater’s Rob Schuter. “However shocking a story it might be, they are in the business of breaking news fast and any preparation that can be done ahead of time is them just simply doing their jobs. We all scrambled when Brittany Murphy and Heath Ledger died and don't want that to happen again." Still, when I reached out to the Associated Press -- America's largest wire service for news -- an editor there told me: "The AP does not talk about it's internal editing or reporting plans." In recent weeks, Lohan has definitely given the media outlets some cause for concern. Last week, she ate it and fell into a cactus, blaming her high-heeled shoes. And now, this past Saturday, a white powder exploded from her shoes as she was leaving a friend’s house in L.A. |